Tuesday, December 3, 2013

We are not omniscient...

Yes, I can usually track down a city-person's phone number if you have the address (using the Polk directory & address lookup).  If you don't have an actually house number (just the street name), and only a first name?  That can make it nigh impossible.

Some addresses don't have any names listed.  Some are only initials.  Most aren't going to be what you're looking for.

Might a past directory help?  It might.  I went three years back, though, and it didn't help in this case.

Monday, December 2, 2013


Books on demonology are much like demons themselves...very scarce.  They go missing, patrons hide them, pages go missing...

So, every time I'm in a certain section (that would be the 133s), I have to go through them (not just the demonology, but also ghosts, numerology and astrology) and see what ones aren't in, and which ones I need to replace.