Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Divorce books

1.       Books on haunted Michigan
2.       Divorce book
3.       Once were soldiers movie

They go out a lot.  We have two in Ready-Reference (right behind the desk, and they can't be checked out) and two copies of each (with and without minor children) to check out.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Local History

1.       Books on social work
2.       How to log in to Library website (needed to know his pin)
3.       Davenport art guides
4.       How much fines she has.
5.       The Lone Survivor
6.       Civil War books
7.       Books on ebay
8.       Books by Kristin Hannah
9.       “Canning jar” or “bug jar” quilt.
10.   Motley Crue “The Dirt”
11.   Books on Ballet
12.   Looking up her great-great-grandfather and history of pinconning
13.   Hitler and the holocaust
14.   St Stanislaus and St Hyacinth Church

One of the biggest parts of being a reference librarian where I am is the local history/genealogy room.  It's always in use, sometimes just one person, but usually multiple people.  There are four microfilm machines and four computers (for ancestry library and heritage quest), and sometimes, they're all full.  We also get a volunteer from the local genealogy society in there three times a week.

Microfilm vs microfiche:  Microfilm is on a spool (like a VHS tape) while microfiche is flat.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Free movies

1.       Governor’s phone number
2.       Movies on how to read
3.       What movies are free
4.       Property Owner’s name (used Polk directory)
5.       Ghost hunters/adventures dvds
6.       Three Stooges

Free movies are the non-fiction movies.  They go out for a week (like the fiction movies), but they don't have the $.50 charge.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

PAC Computers

1.       Redemption by Bryan Clay
2.       Born in the USA by Bruce Springsteen
3.       Downton Abbey season 3, the Mentalist season 1
4.       How to use computers to tell where material is.
5.       Brother/sister speedskaters from City.
6.       Physician assisted suicide
7.       Christian rap cd

PAC, or Public Access Catalog computers are where the catalogs are.  We have two of them by the reference desk, three down the stacks, and two by the magazines.  The biggest mistake I see when people use it and can't find what they're looking for is that they're looking at something that we don't have.

Monday, July 23, 2012


1.       Defoe shipbuilding
2.       Eviction notice
3.       McNamara Federal Building phone number
4.       Yamaha warrior – where is it? (Patron had it on hold)
5.       Senior apartments in Midland & Owosso
6.       Question on nook’s and overdrive (need a computer to read overdrive with kindle)
7.       Disabled American Veterans number – Saginaw chapters only
8.       Avon Collectibles book
9.       Small business plans
10.   Reporting tax fraud
11.   Books on writing novels

I've gotten very good at walking patrons through using Overdrive with the Kindle.  I can actually walk them through it without seeing it for myself.  The Nook I'm not so good at, but I can still do it.  But I'm awesome at the Kindle.  Especially the Kindle Fire.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Medical books

1.       Baseball biographies
2.       Books on diabetes
3.       Books on the Duke of Duval (George Parr, corruption)

The medical books are all in the 616's, and after going through them and narrowing down the categories (there were several types, like Diabetes and Thyroid disorders, that were all thrown together), now I can finally give patron's the number for Diabetes and say "there will be other books in this section", instead of walking back there with them to grab seemingly random books of the shelf.  Narrowing them down also means that it's easier browsing for patrons.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012


1.       Books on Nursing
2.       Christian authors like Joseph Prince
3.       Hours of the library on print
4.       Book on acting
5.       The Futurist by Robert Downey Jr
6.       Fifty Shades of Gray
7.       Study room policy
8.       Latin language CD’s – told them about Mango.

Mango is a language database that we've recently (about two months ago) acquired for patrons.  Even though we have a bunch of language CDs, Mango has even more available.  There are two sections available.  One for the casual learner, and one for someone learning to travel.  It's pretty easy to use (I tried it out in German).

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

1.       Putting a book on hold & it wouldn’t let him.  (He already had it on hold.)
2.       Books on the Appalachian Trail
3.       King James version bible (wanted large print, no large print bibles in system)
4.       Minutes to Midnight (explicit content).
5.       Where a certain book was “bay city haunts and haunting” by Rogers (took them to it)
6.       Reverse number lookup (CA number, scammer)
7.       Mining in the UP

Monday, July 16, 2012

1.       Toni Morrison’s Home
2.       Obituary for father, C Merril from 1947.  Index said May 9th, 1947, pg 4 col. 3.
3.       Divorce Books
4.       Where is Penn State?
5.       When did Frank Beckmann emigrate to US
6.       Filmmaking
7.       Organizing a room
8.       Question about filling out a divorce form
9.       1995 Dodge Dakota Repair manual

Saturday, July 14, 2012

1.       Biography of Steve Jobs
2.       Printing 4 on a page instead of 1 print per page.  She needed 1 print per page.
3.       The Winter Palace book
4.       Divorce books
5.       Library hours
6.       C++ for dummies
7.       Harlequin series “love inspired historical”
8.       Dances with Wolves DVD
9.       Hypertension and associated diseases
10.   Neville Brothers CD

Friday, July 13, 2012

1.       Chilton’s Manuals
2.       Books on cardiopulmonary
3.       DVD of Godspell
4.       Rerequest CD for patron through MeL: Jimi by himself
5.       Books on Sir Walter Raleigh & Marie Antoinette
6.       Maps and phone number in Midland, MI

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

1.       Books on mortuary science
2.       Van Halen CD (Different Kind of Truth)
3.       The Angel Bible
4.       Cartographer – creating maps
5.       Black Gold: Jimi Hendrix
6.       Books on baby care
7.       Consumer reports buyer’s guides
8.       Computer books
9.       Do we have DVD movies to check out? (Yes)
10.   Books by Joel Osteen
11.   City history : Man & the library board
12.   Excel 2010 for dummies

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

1.       The Lean Mean Diet book
2.       Several books.  The Beast of Jekyll Island, The Dollar Crisis.
3.       Question on excel computer classes
4.       Biography “Garner Files”
5.       Questions about our scanner
6.       Question on a lawyer in cITY
7.       Question on Nook

Monday, July 9, 2012

1.       Genealogy record of her mother.  (Told her to come in when a volunteer was in, told her times/dates)
2.       Books on auras
3.       Michigan divorce book w/o children.  Assistance choosing forms from book (Coworker told her which chapter to read for that information).
4.       Interactive tutorial for MS office (LEL)
5.       Books on bats
6.       The Lost Symbol by Dan Brown
7.       Wizards of Waverly place, iCarly & Victorious
8.       Books on Yoga
9.       Cake Doctor books
10.   Check MeL request statuses
11.   Music by Shinedown
12.   Phone number for Ardleigh Elliot
13.   Books on coin collecting
14.   Mileage from West Bloomfield, MI to Ann Arbor.
15.   Kindle e-book question
16. Divorce books w children

Friday, July 6, 2012

1.       Reverse number look-up for OtherCity number (nothing found)
2.       Reviews/comparisons on carpet cleaners (Good Housekeeping)
3.       Question about scanning & emailing document
4.       The book ‘The Memoir and the Memoirist”
5.       Past issues of Paper (on microfilm)
6.       Arizona immigration: what judges voted ‘for’.
7.       Books on vegetable gardening
8.       Miracle-Gro Complete Guide to Houseplant

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

1.       TV schedule for WNEM and SyFy
2.       If we have several movies (none, but ordered two).  Cleopatra’s Second Husband, Aggression Scale, Hanna’s Gold & Entertaining Angels
3.       Books about saving money
4.       Specific books “My Year with Eleanor”
5.       Books on card-making (greeting cards etc)

Monday, July 2, 2012

1.       Do we have the City Paper (current)?  (A patron was probably reading it)
2.       The movie “My Family” with Jimmy Smits (only through Mel)
3.       Books by Caroline Myss
4.       Phone number of Beeperland/Page Plus (all published numbers are out of date)
5.       Information on Detroit Red Wings Players
6.       Past copies of Paper.